Jacqueline Kalab | Foundation Colour Matching – The Best Celebrity Makeup Artist Tip I Could Give You

Foundation Colour Matching – The Best Celebrity Makeup Artist Tip I Could Give You

Foundation Colour Matching – The Best Celebrity Makeup Artist Tip I Could Give You

Posted by Jacqueline Kalab in Blog

One of the best tips I can possibly give you for beautiful and naturally looking foundation, other than using my Magic Foundation Brushof course, is to use at least two colours of foundation.  


Unless you are unbelievable fair skinned – like as-white-piece-of-paper kind of fair-skinned -then I would almost ALWAYS use more than one shade of foundation on you – normally two colours, sometimes three or more, but normally two.


Why?  Because we are not just one colour.  It’s quite deceptive, but we have quite a lot of colour variances in our skin.  Our chest or shoulders will usually be a totally different colour to the skin on our neck, for example.   Using one colour alone makes us look quite blank, flat, and unnatural.


Does it sound very complicated?  Well it can be super simple and super quick to apply.  Once you’ve used my trick a couple of times and see what a gorgeous result you get, you will never go back to one foundation shade again!

First of all, which colours to use?

We’ve all heard the trick of applying some foundation and whichever colour “disappears” is the correct colour.  But correct colour for where?  Well, you want to find your lightest patch of skin, and your darkest patch of skin, and match your foundations to those.  


You’re lightest colour will often be on your neck, under your jawline, and your darkest patch will often be on your forehead or your nose.  

How to apply:

If you’re using liquid foundation, I would place a small amount of each colour onto the back of your hand or onto a palette. or bowl.  If you’re using powder or cream foundation, simply use one colour at a time.


Starting with the lightest colour, and using the Magic Foundation Brush, dip the brush into the light foundation and apply:

•  all around your mouth,
•  under your eyes – the entire area
•  along your jawline,
•  and around the “third eye” in between your      eyebrows/ centre of forehead

Then, using your darker match colour apply to:

•  outer sections of forehead/ temples
•  all along the hairline
• on your nose where the sun would reach 

•  cheeks – where the sun tends to hit

Don’t stress  too much about exactly where the colours are going as you kind of what the two colours to “moosh” and overlap into eachother so that there are no detectable edges. If you’re using the Magic Foundation Brush, this is especially simple.


Take before and after photos, if you get a chance.  Do let me know how you go!  And hit me up with any questions by commenting below right now, or email me at [email protected].



Big Love,

Jacqueline  xx

Kind regards

Jacqueline Kalab
Jacqueline Kalab Cosmetics


12 Mar 2018 2 comments
  • myglammproducts November 27, 2019 at 7:42 pm / Reply

    Very informative, I like your content 🙂

  • myglammpro April 10, 2020 at 10:18 pm / Reply

    I’m using myglamm Kajal eyeliner and it’s very soft and attractive 🙂

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