Jacqueline Kalab | Blog


Do Eyelash Serums Really Work?

Posted by Jacqueline Kalab in Blog

I was asked this question by a friend, so i thought I’d better post here. Really good question. There are two types of serums: ones with medical/drug ingredients, and ones with natural ingredients/nutrients. The drug/medical one acts a bit like putting the hair follicle on…

Streaky foundation?

Posted by Jacqueline Kalab in Blog

The main reason foundation comes out streaky is due to the way it’s applied.  Us makeup artists will spend ages applying and blending perfect foundation, and it was for this reason I invented the Magic Foundation Brush – not only to speed up application for…

VIP Makeup Tips for a Dazzling Smile

Posted by Jacqueline Kalab in Blog

One of the things that impresses me the most about the celebrities I work with is that no matter what their personal circumstances or how much pressure they’re under, they always manage to turn on dazzling smiles. The Power of a Smile A smile is…

How to Wash Makeup Brushes

Posted by Jacqueline Kalab in Blog, FAQs, Makeup Tips

In this video, I demonstrate how to wash makeup brushes.  You can use any soap or shampoo that is suitable for the face.  To preserve the life of your makeup brushes be gentle with the brush hair and try to avoid water getting into the…

So you want to be a Makeup Artist…

Posted by Jacqueline Kalab in Blog

Well what girl (and occasional boy) doesn’t want to grow up and play with makeup all day every day?  Dream job!  I feel that every second day I get told “My daughter wants to do what you do.  Can you tell me how she can get…

Kiss Bang Love

Posted by Jacqueline Kalab in Blog

Well, I’m sitting at my dining table, slightly shaking in anticipation. Tomorrow, it all happens. I’ve already received several messages from people – I didn’t know what they were talking about at first – “Oh, I saw you on tv last night! You and the…